Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Email Received December 29, 2010

I was so thrilled to talk to evermore for Christmas, and I was happy the gifts got there in time. I am glad you all liked them.

I'm not sure what there is to say. Not much has happened since Christmas.

Loved all the gifts I got. Thank you so much for the pencils. I tried them our right away. And the paper you gave me makes my frog pattern come out looking like poison-dart frogs. Very cool.

As I mentioned the weather here is very cold. The fun part is, how cold it is has little to do with what the thermometer says. Let me give you a sample scale:
  1. 45-38 Feels cold, but not unpleasant. Days are likely to be damp from mist or rain, possibly foggy.
  2. 38-32 - Cold. Likely to snow.
  3. 32-25 - Ridiculously cold! I mean, like, throw on 7 layers, icicles in your nose cold! Even worse if it snows! Moisture in the air is killer!
  4. 25-12 - Cold, but way better than 32-25. The moisture freezes out of the air, so you can be fine with your regular winter stuff, although at the low end your face gets cold and tingly. Will not snow, and clear skies.
  5. 12 and lower - Really cold, good idea to try and stay inside.

Also common around here is a type of freezing fog I've never seen before. It only happens at night when the temperature drops rapidly from about 22 to 12. Although, the fog lasts several hours. The fog does not cover things in ice, as you might expect, but instead freezes and keeps hanging in the air. (At least, I think that's what happening.) The result is a fine mist that sparkles brightly as it floats around. And I as you know, suffer from a bad case of SOS (shiny object syndrome.) It's distracting as all get out when I'm driving.

No one came to church this Sunday. I mean no one. It was really kind of sad. I ended up leading relief society, but whatever.

Um. Really don't know what to say more. Hope you New Year is bright.