Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Email received August 25, 2010

So, with an abundance of rain and mosquitoes, anyone want to guess what else we have an abundance of?

Investigators? Not really.

Yep. Froggies.

There's a series of swamps and ponds all through the area, and two right in the apartment complex, we have a lot of frogs. I, of course, am just fine with this, I think it's fun to see them. But Hermana Mendoza is rather your typical girl. Bees, snakes, frogs, and worms are all in her vocabulary as synonymous with "Gross." As such, I have refrained from picking any up, but I have touched a few, to her squealing protests.

The other day, however, a worm got lost on the pavement, about six inches from the garden where a few investigators were sitting. As we left the appointment, I took a closer look. He was absolutely HUGE, but, like most worms, wasn't very bright. so, very gently, I picked him up and set him in the garden. Hermana Mendoza, and all three of our investigators promptly began to squeal and shout, gathering the attention of all the neighbors. I frowned and told them it was just a worm, but this did not placate them. I sanitized my hand, and after a few more minutes of being the center of attention, we went on our way. I'm very glad that I only inherited half the squeamishness that most girls get.

We had two baptisms this Sunday. All went relatively well, except that all the leadership was way late. The family was very patient with us, and were content to sit and watch movies in the interim, but Hermana Mendoza was very sad, while I was struggling with an outright angry response. Still, the spirit was sweet for us the following Sunday when they were confirmed. It set the tone for an amazing branch/ward combined conference.

We're rushing to get to know all the English ward leaders, but we're having fun. We've got some amazing investigators, and some that would be amazing if they pan out. Hermana Mendoza Is going through last-week-in-the-MT sort of anxiety at the prospect of teaching in English, but I think She's doing fine. Certainly she's exited to work with people who have experience in the church.
That's about all on my end. Tell Jemile that she has to send me an invitation, or else.

Love you all, and hope you have fun in this new school year.

Hermana Maren Jones