Well, not a lot has happened on my end. I'm still being eaten alive, and in our attempt to get to know the new ward, we’ve been in double the number of meetings. In short, we've been very busy doing not a whole lot.
We've been introduced to the misnamed "three-card invite," which is ONE card, on which are three places where members put 3 names of people they are going to invite to SOMETHING (FHE, dinner, Mutual, church, etc.). The card has our number on it, and members are to call us at the end of the week, and to let us know how it went. No luck yet, but we're still fishing.
I would like to comment that the illegal immigration problem is making everyone jumpy, and there was a member (not in the state of Illinois) who said some, in my humble opinion, very stupid, short-sided remarks very publicly, which we gently have to explain are NOT the opinion of the church. But this and a few other incidents have drawn my attention to the fact that as members, we ALWAYS represent Christ and his Church, whether we have a name-badge on or not. We need to behave as such at all times.
On the other hand, Members are People, humans, wonderfully flawed and pleasantly challenging. I mean, I'm sure you all can make a wonderful list of my shortcomings. We must have tolerance for others weaknesses, and support each other mutually.
Now I'm going to say something a little harsh:
Every once in a while, one will find some bad members. Someday, you will meet some member that is obnoxious, insulting, inconsiderate, or maybe just downright mean. They may even have a significant calling - they may even be your companion. (I'm quite lucky in that all of my companions are wonderful.) You, and possibly others, will be genuinely wronged and hurt by this member. You will be offended.
The question is, what will you do?
I'm not trying to justify these shortcomings. I'm trying to explain how to deal with them. We all know the celestial standard is perfection, and most of us strive for it, counting on Christ to make up the difference. (For more on the topic, I highly recommend the book "Believing Christ.") But what happens when we see this person, and are hurt by them, perhaps not once, but repeatedly?
We HAVE to forgive them. We HAVE to let go of all that pain and hurt, and we HAVE to resolve that we will maintain our own spirituality. We have to decide to do it NOW, before we ever meet that member, because if not, and I kid you not, THE FATE OF THE WHOLE WARD IS AT STAKE! I have seen several instances where THE INABLILTY TO FORGIVE drags down the whole organization. The offender causes a small if potent spark, which will wither and die if left on its own; without fuel, it will not do anything. THE OFFENDER DOES NOT CAUSE THE FAILURE. But when we take that spark, and hold it close - hold it as a grudge - WE START A BLAZE that too many times we lack the strength to put out. The fire spreads, and can very quickly destroy everything we hold dear, and can in many cases destroy the lives of those around us as well.
I turn to the example of the Twelve Apostles. These elect-of-the-elect basked in the brilliant glow of the Savior's personal ministration for three years, as did many others of the leaders of the church. But even among them, there was a thief and a traitor. Judas Iscariot offended many, and committed the Unpardonable Sin on a scale that makes Sherem's work as an Anti-Christ pale in comparison. Now, what did the members of the Church do in response? Did they say to themselves "No church that has leaders like that can be true?" Did they say "I don't want to go to the same church as Judas? I'm going back to being Jewish?"
No! Their world was just as rife with corruption as ours; they understood clearly that even the very elect were subject to some of the same temptations as the wicked, and that there was always the chance that they would give in. Instead, they clung to their testimonies, declaring the righteousness of the prophets and the saving Grace of Christ.
Don't think this is an extreme case, 'cause it's not. I've seen too many people who have let one offense destroy their testimony, and in the process have destroyed the testimony of all those around them. Offense is poisonous for all involved - the offender, the offended, and anyone who happens to fall in the cross-fire.
End rant.
Not that any of you deserve it, but I needed to get that out of my system. Let me know what responses you guys have to it.
Love you all, and I love the Mish. I have no idea how I'm going to live without it.
Oh, I'm not sure if I told any of you, but I've finally decided what career I want to peruse. Actually, I came to the conclusion several months ago, but as I'm not entirely sure how to get there, I've kept relatively quiet.
I want to design video games.
And on that controversial thought, I wish you a very merry school year.
Hermana Jones