Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Email Received April 21, 2010

It seems this week I am a witch.

The theme kinda started when we passed by an ivestigator. Returning to our car, we hear a little girl scream:



"Look, Brujas! (witches!) Just like I told you!"

Hermana and I busted out laughing, of course. We’re not sure why the little girl thought that. I don't wear that much black.

Then in another house, we talked to a college girl, who had gotten hooked on the whole "Sacrifice chickens in the basement/many wives" rumors. we patiently explained that we did not do multiple marriages, that we did not practice witchcraft of any kind.

Then, just yesterday, I was reading to one of the young girls in our ward (I’ll talk more about her in a bit), a version of sleeping beauty. We got to the part with the witch, and I of course, did the evil cackling voice. She looked at me very seriously, and said, "You're really scary." she then made me promise not to do it again.

With those high points out of the way things are looking up. We have a small teaching pool, (as opposed to two investigators) and we've baptismal hopes for several of them. We've been building our relationships with our members, and are hoping to get some good referrals soon.

That said, several of our strongest members are very ill. Two of the sisters are having very tough pregnancies, and several of the older sister are having health problems as well. This piles on top of the tough job climate to make things tough.

One of the families the hardest hit is the Ornelas family. The mother is having a hard pregnancy, the grandmother has been in and out of the hospital, and the daughter, 6-year-old Yanira, is starting another round of chemotherapy.

Yanira is a very special little girl, who was first diagnosed with histiocytosis (sp) when she was three. She's sweet and patient, and has become a very good friend of mine. I ask that you mention her in your prayers.

Hope all's well on the home front, since nobody's written me yet.


Maren Jones