Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Weekly Email, March 10, 2010
Still recuperating from my cold, i feel like I've done alot since sunday. We've made a lot of phone calls, and are trying to find a more people to teach, which since the ward here is lazy boils down to one thing.
Now, I don't mind knocking in and of itslef, but this week was just plain funny.
Ok, we've all done the thing where we knock on the door and they run and turn out all the lights, turn off the music that's shaking the roof, hush everyone, and pretend theur not home. that's par. We've all gotten the "I'm busy this week/how's next week/ well I'm just busy/take a card" scenario, but his week I've goten some doozies.
(knock knock)
No I will not give you money or go to your church. I'm catholic. Have a nice day.
(knock knock)
(excellent english) "How can I help you?"
"Hi, we're missionaries (ect)"
(deliberately bad accent)"O, Soory, we don't espeak english."
"Esta bien. Habalmos espanol tambien." (ect.)
"Uhh... pues, estoy limpaindo la casa ahorita.." (I'm cleaning the house right now.)
(knock knock)
"Is Angel here?"
"no, he's out."
"Oh. I'm sorry, what's your name?"
(mutter, something that starts with an M and has five sylables)
(his name, in this case, is obviously not Jose, and there is no way this kid could play poker. They like to give common hispanic names to gringas like me because they think It confuses me. I know the game, though.)
Alls well that end well though, and with a baptism this past saturday, I'm more than happy enough. Gina's a sweetheart, and we hope to use her for lots of memeber presents.
La Harmana Jones