This is the blog for Sister Maren Jones, who is serving a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. As of the moment she is currently in the Missionary Training Center learning Spanish. In two months she will go on to her assigned mission of Illinois Chicago North Mission.
We will be posting her letters, emails, pictures and her current address. We encourage you to send encouraging letters and small packages. All should be sent via U.S. Mail and not be large in size or contain food items that might spoil or make a mess if opened improperly.
If you must send emails, you can send them to hermanamarenjones@gmail.com. However, be aware that she will not receive these emails directly. They will be printed out and mailed to her by her family. This means it will take extra time in getting to her, so her replies may be delayed. Further, she will not be able to email you back, as her mission rules ask her to only use email for immediate family.
We appreciate you interest, love and concern for Sister Jones.
The Jones Family